There are Chinese language learners all around the world! I created a list of Chinese picture books with diverse characters to reflect the multicultural families and differently-abled people in our learning community. It is also important to include diverse kids’ books in Chinese about different cultures and experiences so children can understand the world around them. Multicultural kids’ books make learning inclusive for all. Language learning is for everyone!
This list is intended to promote diversity and inclusivity in a broader sense. What books made the list? Some ooks that break gender stereotypes, show people from all cultures doing normal everyday activities, show people with different physical abilities, and help parents explain neurodiversity. I know these books can be hard to find so I started building this list over a year ago and will continue to update this list as I find more books. If there is a book you would like added to this list, please post in the comments below or send me a message via email, Facebook, or Instagram.
Please also check out my list of LGBTQIA+ Children’s Books in Chinese and Chinese Picture Books About Self-Love. Other resources include We Need Diverse Books, Lee & Low Books, Social Justice Books
We have borrowed many of these books from our public library! Building a massive home library may not be practical for everyone. The public library has been a valuable resource for our family.
Diverse Picture Books Printed in Traditional Chinese Characters

Chinese Title: 派翠西亞‧巴斯醫師的故事
English Title: The Doctor with an Eye for Eyes : The Story of Dr. Patricia Bath
By Julia Finley Mosca
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Shop: Gloria’s Bookstore,, Yoyo Baby Shop
Patricia Bath was the first African American to complete a residency in ophthalmology and the first African American female doctor to receive a medical patent. She invented the Laserphaco Probe for cataract treatment in 1986.

Chinese Title: 工程師瑞‧蒙特固的故事
English Title: The Girl With a Mind for Math: The Story of Raye Montague
By Julia Finley Mosca
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Shop: Gloria’s Bookstore,, Yoyo Baby Shop
Raye Jean Montague was an African American naval engineer credited with creating the first computer-generated rough draft of a U.S. naval ship. She was the first female program manager of ships in the United States Navy.

Chinese Title: 動物科學家天寶‧葛蘭汀的故事
English Title: The Girl Who Thought in Pictures: The Story of Dr. Temple Grandin
By Julia Finley Mosca
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Shop: Gloria’s Bookstore,, Yoyo Baby Shop
When young Temple was diagnosed with autism, no one expected her to talk, let alone become one of the most powerful voices in modern science. Her unique mind allowed her to connect with animals in a special way, helping her invent groundbreaking improvements for farms around the globe!

Chinese Title: 蘇菲亞的一句話
English Title: One Word from Sophia
By Jim Averbeck
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Sophia has one true desire for her birthday. But she has Four Big Problems in the way: Mom, Dad, Uncle Conrad…and Grand-mama.

Chinese Title: 蘇菲亞的兩個問題
English Title: Two Problems for Sophia
By Jim Averbeck
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Sophia and Noodle, her One True Desire, are together at last. But Noodle comes with two gigantic problems, and those problems are tearing Sophia’s family apart! Can a little creative experimenting save Noodle? Or will Sophia have to bid him adieu?

Chinese Title: 我喜歡我自己!
English Title: Rock What Ya Got
By Samantha Berger
Language: Traditional Chinese
As the book’s character is being sketched, the illustrator attempts to make a change but is stopped by the protagonist. She likes herself just as she is and wants to teach your child to embrace who you are and love yourself!

Chinese Title: 善良
English Title: Be Kind
By Pat Zietlow Miller
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
What does it mean to be kind? When Tanisha spills grape juice all over her new dress, her classmate contemplates how to make her feel better and what it means to be kind. From asking the new girl to play to standing up for someone being bullied, this moving and thoughtful story explores what a child can do to be kind.

Chinese Title: 鞋子裡的鹽: 麥可.喬
English Title: Salt in His Shoes: Michael Jordan in Pursuit of a Dream
By Deloris Jordan, Roslyn M. Jordan
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Michael almost gave up on his hoop dreams, all because he feared he’d never grow tall enough to play the game that would one day make him famous. That’s when his mother and father stepped in and shared the invaluable lesson of what really goes into the making of a champion — patience, determination, and hard work.

Chinese Title: 海莉的蘋果:海莉.塔布曼
English Title: An Apple for Harriet Tubman
By Glennette Tilley Turner
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Like other enslaved African-American children, young Harriet Tubman had to work hard. In her master’s orchard, she spent long hours picking the juicy apples she loved but was forbidden to eat. When she was grown, she made her escape to the North.

Chinese Title: 自由之路──黑人摩西海莉.塔布曼的故事
English Title: Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom
By Alain Serres
Language: Traditional Chinese
Born into slavery, Harriet Tubman hears these words from God one summer night and decides to leave her husband and family behind and escape. Taking with her only her faith, she must creep through woods with hounds at her feet, sleep for days in a potato hole, and trust people who could have easily turned her in. But she was never alone.

Chinese Title: 艾飛不見了
English Title: Alfie
By Thyra Heder
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Nia loves Alfie, her pet turtle. But he’s not very soft, he doesn’t do tricks, and he’s pretty quiet. Sometimes she forgets he’s even there. That is, until the night before her seventh birthday, when… Alfie disappears! Where did he go? And why? Nia can’t say… but Alfie can. This is his story.

Chinese Title: 了不起的妳
English Title: Amazing Grace
By Mary Hoffman
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Grace loves stories, whether they’re from books, movies, or the kind her grandmother tells. So when she gets a chance to play a part in Peter Pan, she knows exactly who she wants to be. Remarkable watercolor illustrations give full expression to Grace’s high-flying imagination.

Chinese Title: 每一件善良的事情
English Title: Each Kindness
By Jaquiline Woodson
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Chloe and her friends won’t play with the new girl, Maya. Every time Maya tries to join Chloe and her friends, they reject her. Eventually, Maya stops coming to school. When Chloe’s teacher gives a lesson about how even small acts of kindness can change the world, Chloe is stung by the lost opportunity for friendship and thinks about how much better it could have been if she’d shown a little kindness toward Maya.

Chinese Title: 這是我們的房子
English Title: This is our House
By Michael Rosen
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
George has a house made from a big cardboard box and he says that no one else in the playground can come in—not Lindy, because she’s a girl; not Freddie, because he’s too small; not Sophie, because she wears glasses. But when George leaves his house for a moment, everyone piles in and, upon his return, George receives a taste of his own medicine!

Chinese Title: 最棒的鞋
English Title: Those Shoes
By Maribeth Boelts
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Shop: MrandMrsbooks,,
All Jeremy wants is a pair of those shoes, the ones everyone at school seems to be wearing. When his old shoes fall apart at school, he is more determined than ever to have those shoes, even a thrift-shop pair that are much too small. But sore feet aren’t much fun, and Jeremy soon sees that the things he has—warm boots, a loving grandma, and the chance to help a friend—are worth more than the things he wants.

Chinese Title: 送報男孩
English Title: Paper Boy
By Dav Pilkey
Language: Traditional Chinese
In the still before dawn, while the rest of the world is sleeping, a boy and his dog leave the comfort of their warm bed to deliver newspapers. As the boy pedals his bike along a route he knows by heart, his dog runs by his side, both enjoying a world that, before sunrise, belongs only to them.
Read the free digital book

Chinese Title: 隱形的世界
English Title: The Invisible
By Tom Percival
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
The Invisible is the story of a young girl called Isabel and her family. They don’t have much, but they have what they need to get by. Until one day, there isn’t enough money to pay their rent and bills and they have to leave their home full of happy memories and move to the other side of the city.

Chinese Title: 露比的煩惱
English Title: Ruby Finds a Worry
By Tom Percival
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Meet Ruby — a happy, curious, imaginative young girl. But one day, she finds something unexpected: a Worry. Eventually, the Worry is ENORMOUS and is all she can think about. But when Ruby befriends a young boy, she discovers that everyone has worries, and not only that, there’s a great way to get rid of them too . . . she just has to share her feelings.

Chinese Title: 露比的煩惱
English Title: Perfectly Norman
By Tom Percival
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Norman had always been perfectly normal . . . until one day, he grows a pair of wings! Afraid of what people will think, Norman covers them up with a big coat. But can he summon the courage to be himself?

Chinese Title: 米莎的新朋友
English Title: Meesha Makes Friends
By Tom Percival
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Meesha loves making things . . . but there’s one thing she finds difficult to make – friends. She doesn’t know quite what to do, what to say or when to say it. But one day she discovers that she has a special talent that might just help her navigate social situations – and maybe even make new friends.

Chinese Title: 拉威的怒吼
English Title: Ravi’s Roar
By Tom Percival
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Ravi can’t control his temper and he turns into a ferocious, roaring TIGER! Tigers can do anything they want! But who wants to play with a growling, wild tiger who won’t share or behave? Ravi is about to discover something very important about voicing his feelings.

Chinese Title: 我是小孩,我有權利
English Title: I have the right to be a child
By Alain Serres
Language: Traditional Chinese
Shop: Gloria’s Bookstore,,
With a very simple text accompanied by rich, vibrant illustrations a young narrator describes what it means to be a child with rights — from the right to food, water and shelter, to the right to go to school, to the right to be free from violence, to the right to breathe clean air, and much more. The book emphasizes that these rights belong to every child on the planet, whether they are “black or white, small or big, rich or poor, born here or somewhere else.”

Chinese Title: 市場街最後一站
English Title: The Last Stop on Market
By de la Peña, Matt
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Shop:, MrandMrsbooks, Gloria’s Bookstore
CJ begins his weekly bus journey around the city with disappointment and dissatisfaction, wondering why he and his family can’t drive a car like his friends. Through energy and encouragement, CJ’s nana helps him see the beauty and fun in their routine.

Chinese Title: 許什麼願望好呢?
English Title: Carmela Full of Wishes
By de la Peña, Matt
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
When Carmela wakes up on her birthday, her wish has already come true–she’s finally old enough to join her big brother as he does the family errands. Together, they travel through their neighborhood, past the crowded bus stop, the fenced-off repair shop, and the panadería, until they arrive at the Laundromat, where Carmela finds a lone dandelion growing in the pavement. But before she can blow its white fluff away, her brother tells her she has to make a wish. If only she can think of just the right wish to make.

Chinese Title: 阿姆,謝謝妳!
English Title: Thank You, Omu!
By Oge Mora
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Shop:,, Gloria’s Bookstore
Everyone in the neighborhood dreams of a taste of Omu’s delicious stew! One by one, they follow their noses toward the scrumptious scent. And one by one, Omu offers a portion of her meal. Soon the pot is empty. Has she been so generous that she has nothing left for herself?

Chinese Title: 我們的星期六
English Title: Saturday
By Oge Mora
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
In this heartfelt and universal story, a mother and daughter look forward to their special Saturday routine together every single week. But this Saturday, one thing after another goes wrong–ruining storytime, salon time, picnic time, and the puppet show they’d been looking forward to going to all week. Mom is nearing a meltdown…until her loving daughter reminds her that being together is the most important thing of all.

Chinese Title: 我會控制音量—在圖書館裡
English Title: You Can Control Your Voice: Loud or Quiet?
By Connie Colwell Miller
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
During conflict will you use your hands or words? If you’re angry, will you throw a fit or talk it out? Learning how to make good choices is an important and essential part of growing up. In this illustrated choose-your-own-ending book, Haneen so excited at the library that she has trouble controlling her voice. Readers make choices for Haneen and read what happens next, with each story path leading to different consequences.

Chinese Title: 帶來希望的星星女孩
English Title: The Star Keeper
By Faith Pray
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
When a girl finds a fallen star, she decides to keep it hidden. But this star encourages kindness and needs to shine, so it comes out from the shadows. At first the glow from the star starts to fade, and the girl worries—maybe she’s not a very good starkeeper. Then a chance gesture of kindness seems to brighten the star, and soon this kindness leads to a chain of good works that light up the once-dreary town.

Chinese Title: 神奇大傘
English Title: The Big Umbrella
By Amy June Bates
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Shop:, Gloria’s Bookstore
By the door, there is an umbrella. It is big. It is so big that when it starts to rain there is room for everyone underneath. It doesn’t matter if you are tall. Or plaid. Or hairy. It doesn’t matter how many legs you have. Because there will always be room.

Chinese Title: 我是幼兒園國王
English Title: The King of Kindergarten
By Derrick Barnes
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Starting kindergarten is a big milestone–and the hero of this story is ready to make his mark! He’s dressed himself, eaten a pile of pancakes, and can’t wait to be part of a whole new kingdom of kids. The day will be jam-packed, but he’s up to the challenge, taking new experiences in stride with his infectious enthusiasm! And afterward, he can’t wait to tell his proud parents all about his achievements–and then wake up to start another day.

Chinese Title: 其實你很聰明, 別小看自己了其實你很聰明, 別小看自己了
English Title: Smarts! Everybody’s Got Them
By Thomas Armstrong
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
It’s easy for kids to get dejected and believe they’re not as smart as the people around them. Maybe they got a low grade on their math test last week, or maybe they have a difficult time making new friends, but what kids may not realize is that there are actually eight types of smarts: Word smarts, Music smarts, Number smarts. Picture smarts, Body smarts, People smarts, Self smarts, and Nature smarts.

Chinese Title: 水公主
English Title: The Water Princess
By Susan Verde
Language: Traditional Chinese
Clean drinking water is scarce in her small African village. And try as she might, Gie Gie cannot bring the water closer; she cannot make it run clearer. Every morning, she rises before the sun to make the long journey to the well. After the voyage home, Gie Gie thinks of the trip that tomorrow will bring. And she dreams. She dreams of a day when her village will have cool, crystal-clear water of its own.

Chinese Title: 我們都是人:一起練習同理心
English Title: I am Human: A Book of Empathy
By Susan Verde
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
From the bestselling team that created, I Am Yoga and I Am Peace comes a hopeful celebration of the human family, which affirms that although we may make mistakes, we can make good choices by acting with compassion and having empathy for others and ourselves.

Chinese Title: 我可以很平靜: 一起練習正念靜心
English Title: I am Peace: A Book of Mindfulness
By Susan Verde
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Mindfulness means being fully in the present moment. Children can learn how to manage their emotions, make good choices, and balance their busy lives by learning to be mindful, express emotions through speech, find empathy through imagination, and wonder at the beauty of the natural world.

Let’s Talk About Body Boundaries, Consent and Respect
By Jayneen Sanders
Language: Traditional Chinese
Teaching young children about body boundaries, both theirs and others, is crucial to a child’s growing sense of self, their confidence and how they should expect to be treated by others. A child growing up knowing they have a right to their own personal space, gives that child ownership and choices as to what happens to them and to their body. This book explores these concepts with children in a child-friendly and easily-understood manner, providing familiar scenarios for children to engage with and discuss.

Chinese Title: 我只是想要說晚安
English Title: I Just Want to Say Good Night
By Rachel Isadora
Language: Traditional Chinese
Shop:, Gloria’s Bookstore
The sun has set and the moon is rising, and that means it’s bedtime. But not if Lala has a say—because she’s not ready to go to sleep! First she needs to say good night to the cat. And the goat. And the chickens. And, and, and . . . Lala’s adorable stalling strategy will ring true for all parents whose little ones aren’t ready to say goodbye to the day—and all will appreciate the wonderful culmination to the bedtime ritual.

Chinese Title: 蘇麗的頭髮
English Title: Hair Love
By Matthew A. Cherry
Language: Traditional Chinese
It’s up to Daddy to give his daughter an extra-special hair style in this story of self-confidence and the love between fathers and daughters. Zuri knows her hair is beautiful, but it has a mind of its own. It kinks, coils, and curls every which way. Mum always does Zuri’s hair just the way she likes it – so when Daddy steps in to style it for an extra special occasion, he has a lot to learn.

Chinese Title: 神奇的失物招領室
English Title: The Lost Property Office
By Emily Rand
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
A little girl and her mother are on the train, going to visit Grandpa. It’s very busy—hold on tight! But when they arrive at their destination and get off the train they realize something is wrong: the little girl’s beloved teddy bear has gone missing! Just when it looks like she’ll never see Teddy again, Grandpa has an idea! And suddenly the little girl is off on a magical journey to rescue her favorite stuffed friend.

Chinese Title: 花園街10號:分享來自世界各地的美味
English Title: What’s Cooking at 10 Garden Street?
By Felicita Sala
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Something delicious is cooking in the old apartment building on Garden Street! Pilar is mixing gazpacho, Monsieur Ping is stir-frying broccoli, Señora Flores is preparing a pot of beans, and Josef and Rafik are rolling meatballs. Other neighbors are making mini-quiches, baba ganoush, dhal, and peanut butter cookies. When they’re all finished cooking everyone gathers in the garden to enjoy a delicious meal and each other’s company.

Chinese Title: 再見,朋友!哈囉,朋友!
English Title: Goodbye, Friend! Hello, Friend!
By Cori Doerrfeld
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Change and transitions are hard, but Goodbye, Friend! Hello, Friend! demonstrates how, when one experience ends, it opens the door for another to begin. It follows two best friends as they say goodbye to snowmen, and hello to stomping in puddles. They say goodbye to long walks, butterflies, and the sun…and hello to long evening talks, fireflies, and the stars. But the hardest goodbye of all comes when one of the friends has to move away. Feeling alone isn’t easy, and sometimes new beginnings take time. But even the hardest days come to an end, and you never know what tomorrow will bring.
Board Books

Chinese Title: 聲音不是用來吼叫的
English Title: Voices Are Not for Yelling
By Elizabeth Verdick
Language: Traditional Chinese
Very young children don’t yet have the words to express strong feelings, and they’re still learning social skills. This board book helps little ones understand why it’s better to use an indoor voice—“so people hear the words and not the yelling”—and how to calm down and ask for help so they can get what they need.

Chinese Title: 到底為什麼? 好想知道身體裡的事
Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Why? What’s going on in my body
Through a question-and-answer method, children can use their brains to cultivate their thinking ability and learning potential; discover th

Chinese Title: 到底為什麼?好想知道世界上的事
By YOYO studio
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Shop: Gloria’s Bookstore,
Why? Questions about the world.
Through a question-and-answer method, children can use their brains to cultivate their thinking ability and learning potential; discover that the human body is amazing!

Chinese Title: 超級變變變!
By Yushan Wong
Language: Traditional Chinese with Zhuyin
Rhyming, guessing, counting… surprise! 10 kinds of fruits turn into 10 kinds of animals. 10 kinds of expressions teach children how to interpret emotions.

Duck Duck books
Language: Traditional Chinese
Shop: Duck Duck Books
We all worry about our kids. How do we avoid bullies or raise kids that are kind? I think it has to do with self-esteem. Oftentimes, negative behavior stems from how a child feels about themselves. To encourage positive behavior, we can foster self-love and confidence from a young age. Duck Duck Books is a newcomer creating multilingual children’s books in English, Chinese, and Spanish that introduce these concepts.
Read my review of Duck Duck Books
Diverse Picture Books Printed in Simplified Chinese Characters

Habbi Habbi Books and Reading Wand
Language: Simplified Chinese and English
Habbi Habbi books cover a range of topics that teach kindness, empowerment, diversity, and life skills. The wand reads in Chinese and English. These bilingual children’s books are written in Simplified Chinese with Pinyin, and English.

Chinese Title: 走學看長城
English Title: Travel, Learn and See the Great Wall
By Edna Ma
Language: Simplified Chinese with Pinyin
The two main characters, Dean and Ethan, are both learning Mandarin, just like my children. Dean is Chinese and Ethan is Black and they became the best of friends during their time at a Mandarin Immersion school. The story follows the three children on a trip to China where they visit the Great Wall.
Read my review of 走學看長城

Chinese Title: 走学看上海
English Title: Travel, Learn and See Shanghai
By Edna Ma
Language: Simplified Chinese with Pinyin
Travel, Learn and See Shanghai 走学看上海 Adventures in Mandarin Immersion is written in English and Mandarin (Simplified Chinese & Pin Yin), TLSee Shanghai is a story about two classmates attending a Mandarin Immersion school. Dean and Ethan become fast friends. Dean is ethnically Chinese, and his reasons for learning Mandarin are more cultural. Ethan is an African-American and through his language journey, he learns about himself, his family, and the world.

Chinese Title: 走学看朋友
English Title: Travel, Learn and See your Friends
By Edna Ma
Language: Simplified Chinese with Pinyin
Travel, Learn and See your friends 走学看朋友 is a story about two first-graders attending a Mandarin Immersion school. Dean and Ethan become fast friends. Dean is ethnically Chinese, and his reasons for learning Mandarin are more cultural. Ethan is an African-American and through his language journey, he learns about himself, his family, and the world.

Chinese Titles: 我有一个梦想 by Doreen Rappaport & Bran Collier; 鞋子里的盐 by Deloris Jordan & Roslyn Jordan; 发光的孩子 by Javaka Steptoe
Language: Simplified Chinese
Shop: Jojo Learning
This set which contains three stories about influential black American leaders would make a great addition to any home or Mandarin Immersion classroom library. Each story begins during the leader’s childhood and highlights a lesson that he learned which influenced his later achievements.

Chinese Title: 妈妈的红沙发
English Title: A Chair for my Mother
By Williams, Vera B.
Language: Simplified Chinese
There hasn’t been a comfortable place to sit in the apartment since a fire in their previous apartment burned everything to “charcoal and ashes.” Friends and neighbors brought furniture to their new apartment downstairs, but no one brought anything big or soft or comfortable. Finally, the jar is full, the coins are rolled, and in the book’s crowning moment, mother, daughter, and Grandma search four different furniture stores, and after carefully trying several chairs, like Goldilocks, they find the chair they’ve been dreaming of at last.

Chinese Title: 爸爸的池塘
English Title: Different Pond
By Bao Phi
Language: Simplified Chinese
A Different Pond is an unforgettable story about a simple event—a long-ago fishing trip. As a young boy, Bao Phi awoke early, hours before his father’s long workday began, to fish on the shores of a small pond in Minneapolis. Unlike many other anglers, Bao and his father fished for food, not recreation. A successful catch meant a fed family. Between hope-filled casts, Bao’s father told him about a different pond in their homeland of Vietnam.

Chinese Title: 市场街最后一站
English Title: The Last Stop on Market
By de la Peña, Matt
Language: Simplified Chinese with Zhuyin
CJ begins his weekly bus journey around the city with disappointment and dissatisfaction, wondering why he and his family can’t drive a car like his friends. Through energy and encouragement, CJ’s nana helps him see the beauty and fun in their routine.

Chinese Title: 阿达想当科学家
English Title: Ada Twist, scientist
By Andrea Beaty
Language: Simplified Chinese
Shop: Jojo Learning
Like her classmates, builder Iggy and inventor Rosie, scientist Ada, a character of color, has a boundless imagination and has always been hopelessly curious. Ada embarks on a fact-finding mission and conducts scientific experiments, all in the name of discovery.
Watch the cartoon on Netflix!
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